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Brainstorming Onboarding Programs: Insights, Innovations, and Best Practices - Flash Call

After posting a thought provoking question to our Expert Network, 8x8 will be leading a collaborative session focused on onboarding programs. They are actively compiling a list of companies with the best onboarding programs, and with your insights we can nail down components to ensure its comprehensiveness and emerge with actionable insights to enhance our own onboarding programs.

Join us for a member-led discussion where we delve into the core of onboarding programs. Together, we'll uncover answers to key benchmark questions, share our experiences and ideas, discuss what makes onboarding programs successful, all while compiling a list of companies with the best onboarding practices.

Come prepared to share your successes, challenges, and innovative approaches to onboarding. This is a safe space where it is fine not to have all the answers. The goal is to learn from one another and collectively elevate our onboarding strategies. It's all about learning from each other, getting insights into what works and what doesn't, and coming away with practical strategies to improve.

What we will explore:

  • Understanding the importance of phased onboarding tailored to different needs and roles
  • Exploring materials, resources, and technologies to enhance engagement
  • Strategies for assessing retention, satisfaction, and cultural integration
  • Tracking progress and development post-onboarding for long-term success
  • Customizing programs to accommodate diverse backgrounds and needs
This meeting is exclusively for i4cp member organizations. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if your company qualifies for membership. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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